Implementation Toolkit
Module 4 - Capture
I recommend using a spreadsheet (if not using software) because by default it guides you to segmenting your processes into clear steps, and you can add more data/refine over time.
If you get process consultants involved, you will likely find they devote all their time to drawing up these amazing diagrams that are really complex but which, in reality, nobody looks at.
Far better to work with something practical, such as a check-list. Simply draw up a column for 'activities' and a 'responsibility' column, add a 'description' column and another for additional information - see the example below.
How to Capture
Create a tab for each of the three processes you have selected.
Create six columns:
Step Number - An easy way to refer to each Step
Activity - What is it that needs doing (short)?
Dependency - Does anything need to happen before this can be done?
Step Description - What are the details?
Responsibility - Who needs to do it?
Resources - Here you can link to files or additional guidance that may be useful.
Now get everybody involved to provide their input, writing out what they do and where they fit in.
There is no need to represent this as 'Visio' diagrams or as complex workflows. A list is best.
Don’t worry too much about the order of the steps; that can come later.
Check the order and any dependencies - does it make sense?
Information - In truth, don’t worry about adding too much more at this point. That can come later.
If you’ve had many different people inputting, they may have written things slightly differently - it isn’t necessary but you may want to harmonize the language for ease of use.
What not to do
Get hung up on getting every minute detail
It is far more beneficial to spend as little time as possible - almost the more superficial the better
Trying to make it perfect
It doesn’t matter about the detail because we are going to refine this process over time. We just need a starting point.
Start to redesign everything
Please do not start redesigning anything. Just capture it as it is right now. If you start redesigning, you will get bogged down; and it doesn’t matter because this process will be improved and refined later
The reason people want to redesign at this stage is they have the mindset that we are going to lock down these processes. But remember, the opposite is true, we are going to release them to
What is the expected outcome?
Three documented processes that could be recognised by those involved.
Improved awareness of what actually happens, and by whom.
What should owners of the relevant areas do next?
Read on to the next module; embedding in your business.
Additional materials
And that’s it… you have your first process!

The next thing you need to do is to capture how things work right now – preferably by noting this down as it happens. This should happen in the week immediately following the previous ‘Identify’ meeting.
While I have developed software specifically to help you do this at beSlick, you can just as easily start with a spreadsheet for this stage.
Google Sheets is great because it's collaborative; but you could also use Microsoft Office Online as an alternative.
wonderfully evolve.