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Thought Bank
People associate process with control, monotony and an overall death of creativity.
If implemented correctly, process provides empowerment, autonomy and creativity for employees and delivers freedom for business owners, with total reassurance that their business is running itself, allowing them to rapidly accelerate innovation.
How good is your organisation at managing the balance of process empowerment?

Jul 14, 2022
Documenting your processes isn't enough
There’s no use in documenting processes where nobody will see them. It’s always best if they are adaptable and can drive change.

Jun 16, 2022
Why Compliance Matters and How it Can be Used to Add Value
Compliance can empower your business and generate a culture of continuous improvement.

Jun 16, 2022
How beSlick Can Help You Prioritise and Destress
Keeping your tasks prioritised and well-organised can help you work more effectively and with more calm.

Jun 15, 2022
Stop working in your business & start working on your business!
Create a culture of trust, responsibility and accountability through process implementation, which gives you your business freedom!

Jun 15, 2022
Leadership is about: Empowerment, Trust & Letting Go
Process should be implemented as the foundation on which everyone in an organisation can shape and improve the way that business operates.

May 20, 2022
What can SMEs learn from aviation safety?
The aviation industry takes massive action after a crash. Why don’t we react the same way within business?

May 20, 2022
Why Diversity Trumps Equality and The Problem With Quotas
When you recognise the value of diversity, you automatically create equality.
Drive equality by recognising the value of diverse POV.

May 17, 2022
Can Netflix Stop The Decline of the Free Press?
Traditionally, newspapers were the ones that funded journalism.
Can entertainment channels become trustworthy news outlets too?

Apr 5, 2022
Boiling Point - work related stress
67% of UK employees surveyed were experiencing moderate to high levels of stress. 28% had seen their productivity negatively impacted.

Jan 24, 2022
Process erosion - 5 key reasons your processes erode over time
These five issues all cause problems to processes. You will end up fighting the processes and causing tensions within your staff.

Jan 24, 2022
Why processes are about creativity, not control
Find a way to retain the creativity, innovation and energy, but manage it in a non-chaotic way.

Jan 24, 2022
Consistency Cultivates Confidence
Employees like to know what they are doing, and how to perform their jobs well.
Documented process helps them to do that with confidence.

Dec 9, 2021
The Guilt Monster
I felt incredibly guilty doing that while the business was making a lot of money & other people were doing all the work. I really struggled

Nov 24, 2021
Letting go and regaining your work-life balance
It’s important to take a step back, even if you have to watch people wobble at first. It’s by faltering and recovering that we learn...

Nov 15, 2021
If you can't repeat what you just did, how can you improve it next time?
Once the task is repeatable, then you have a basis to improve on what you are doing.
These five issues all cause problems to processes.

Nov 12, 2021
Embracing awkward conversations and uncomfortable truths
Sometimes, even if the initial comment brings controversy and you wonder why you even said it, isn't it better to get things out in the open

Nov 9, 2021
Harness the power of imagination and creativity (Vistage segue)
The paintings making it quite likely that you would do the thing you had been holding back from doing. The power of imagination & creativity

Oct 27, 2021
Learnings from the aviation industry that we can all implement
Why don’t we all act like this in business? And why is it so difficult for us to react, follow through and improve?

Oct 27, 2021
Cutting your working week down from 80 hours to 14 hours
I went from working 80-hours a week as a hands-on micro-manager, to only working 14 hours a week as a strategic business leader.

Oct 22, 2021
How do I measure organisational health & how is it affecting innovation in my business?
Many business leaders struggle to measure organisational
health in a meaningful way, which creates difficulty when trying to improve
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